Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to participate in the Essentials of Leadership program?
Any full time UM employee who has direct oversight and responsibility over another full or part time employee.

  • Must have 1 or more direct reports (including student interns or graduate assistants).

How do I enroll in the program?
To participate in the program, you must be recommended by your supervisor. Click here for more information.

How do I make a recommendation for participation in the program?
As a supervisor, you may recommend your direct report. Click here for more information.

How long does it take to complete the program?
The program lasts four months and includes a blend of four interactive modules, leadership discussions, individual assessments, experiential learning activities, and coaching.

How much does the program cost?
This program is offered to all UM employees who have direct reports.

  • If a participant does not fulfill the requirements to complete the program (attendance, assignments, etc…) then the participant’s department will be responsible for the full cost of the individual assessment of managerial proficiency ($300).  

How do I learn more about the program?
Contact Talent and Organizational Development at 305-243-3090 or
